Thursday, January 3, 2013

Traffic, Hospitality, College and Women - Sarah Schendel


We arrived safely in India yesterday afternoon, with all luggage accounted for (including the djembe and laptops!!!) and smooth sailing through security.  We were greeted warmly by Sunny at the airport and began our first adventure in India as we packed into a 13-passenger van, luggage and all, heading through the city.

India Traffic
It is hard to describe  the drive from the airport to Sunny’s parents’ house, since no city in the US really compares.  There would appear to be limited to no traffic laws here, other than “may the larger vehicle win.”  There are dogs and cows on the sides of the streets to be avoided, motor cyclists weaving in and out where they can, and people walking within inches of vehicles passing by.  We, ourselves, came within inches of other vehicles, but in spite of our team’s concern, Sunny appeared to be relatively calm, even talking on the cell phone while driving through the turmoil.  It was touching to see people’s faces  light up as they peered into the van and saw that we were white;  one motorcyclist yelled out, “Hey! It’s Americans!”

Hospitality and Fellowship
When we arrived to Sunny’s parent’s house, we were immediately greeted by the family members, Oceanside team, and a full dinner on the table. We spent the night refreshing ourselves from the long journey and were incredibly blessed by the hospitality of Sunny’s parents.  From providing bottled water for our two teams for the entire two weeks we are here, to opening their home and allowing us to use their bathroom and bedrooms, to greeting us with coffee and tea this morning (which, by the way, is so much better than coffee America), our hearts are blessed and encouraged by how willing they are to serve us.  We pray for the opportunity to serve and bless them in return.

The Bible College and Teaching Time
Our day today began with breakfast and devotions with both Calvary teams.  We then continued on to the Bible college where Ted, Luke, and Donald had the opportunity to teach the students and John and Charles led them in worship.  Sunny and the students were very blessed by the commentaries and supplies!  And despite Luke’s computer crashing, with all his notes, God enabled him to teach just the same.  Praise Him!

The Women’s Experience
After Ted’s teaching for the first session at the Bible college, us women left for a village meeting with some Christian women from one of the villages.  We sang for about an hour and prayed for another hour, which was quite a different experience than prayer and worship time in the States (more on that another time). Sarah Ryan also shared her testimony with the ladies and encouraged them with some Scripture.  We were also blessed as the children sang us some English worship songs; so sweet for them to learn them for us.  Please pray for a women, Lolita (sp?), whom we prayed for as a group.  She has come from a Hindu family and is either not a believer or is a new believer exploring Christianity.  Pray that she and her family would come to know the Lord as Savior.

So far, it has been evident that Sunny, the Bible college students, and the women have been as excited to meet us as we have been to meet them.  We praise the Lord for the opportunity to be here and bringing us here safely.  He certainly is an awesome God.  Praise Him!

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