Sunday, January 6, 2013

Saturday & Sunday in India!

Saturday Events

Yesterday was our busiest day yet.  During the morning, the men attended their regular events of teaching at the Bible college (with the exception of Charles, who helped the women with worship), and the women took part in a chidren’s event (with the exception of Gracia, who led worship for the men).  The children’s event was amazing to take part in!  Over a hundred children attended the event, and we were able to share in singing with them, teaching the Gospel to them, doing a craft with them, serving lunch to them, and distributing the toys as well.  The children were a blessing to work with, and their excitement was a joy to behold.

Children at the Children's event Saturday morning
Children sitting down for lunch

After the morning events, we rested for a couple hours and then headed for the slums.  This was an incredible experience!  We split into two teams while there, one team ministering to some ladies and children at the church and the other team going into people’s homes and praying for them.  We then met up together and Pastor Ted performed his light show for the children, which drew quite a crowd.  They clapped after every trick.  Pastor Ted then shared the Gospel message with the people, so pray that the words he spoke will plant seeds in the hearts of those listening that the Bible college students may reap.

Sunday Events

Today was a special day!  It was special to see the Church in a different culture, a different setting, and different “beat.”  Every worship song, with the exception of one or two, was fast-paced and required lots of clapping.  Both missions’ teams performed “We Bow Down” during the offering, and Pastor Ted delivered the main message.  We then partook in a true, Indian cuisine dinner, eating with our hands and everything!  Note:  There is talk about holding an event at Calvary Bozeman where we will all sing Indian worship songs (meaning very upbeat worship songs with clapping) and eat Indian cuisine with our hands.  So you can all look forward to that!

Some girls showing us how to eat with their hands
Tonight we are attending another worship service at a different church here, and then tomorrow we leave for Andra Prudesh. Please continue to pray for us!  Please pray  for safe travels there and back, for the women’s and men’s conferences that will be held there, and for the villagers as we minister to them.  Pray that God’s word would be preached in truth, encouraging the believers who hear it and winning non-believers to Him.  God bless!

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